Fall into Wellness...
Hey Ladies,
Hope you all are doing well out there!
Just wanted to check in and give a friendly reminder to keep your health and mental wellness on the front burner... The seasons are changing, days shorter and sun diminishing earlier -- which can lead to what some call "seasonal" depression, weight gain and a whole lot of other things on top of all of the other crazy stuff going on in the world right now.
With us spending more time at home -- what types of hobbies or new things you can get involved in to help you thrive through this autumn season? I have so many things I want to try like canning, dehydrating food, learning the guitar (true story, lol), producing more wellness content and strengthening my core by working my way up to holding a 60 sec plank! Hey, not to mention the 50 something books I need to finish!
Whew! See, having a plan and something to look forward to will definitely help get through these cold months.
Check out our latest "Beauty Preparations for life..." podcast, title "Fall into Wellness!" Here I'll give more suggestions on how to thrive through the season - as well on updates and new happenings at Alabasta. Listen in an let me know what you think...
Until next time, Be well out there,